One of the nicest benefits in working with bar applicants over the many years is to see them “close the circle” in putting the exam behind them and for their families – and then moving on to life’s next great challenge.

The pursuit of this great goal is often a “team sport” – with sacrifice from husbands and wives, significant others and their children, too. Navigating the difficulties presented by law school curriculums, 9-to-5 employment, balancing family priorities and, of course, persisting in the individual belief that everything will work out – are just some of the qualities at the heart of finally making it across the finish line.

 Kudos for all Cal Bar Tutorial Review alumni – and featured this Spring & Summer season – the following:

Dawn Gonzalez from Chapman Law School (626-392-9222); Kelly Matney from La Verne Law School (909-576-8246); Attorney applicants Joy Bertrand (414-687-4932), Steve Unger (818-257-4470) and Justin Nahama (858-314-1500); Tanya Ellis (916-833-3205), Nathaniel Willson (530-559-1789), Adrian Hoppes (916-715-6514), Tyler Jahnke (916-915-2576) and Justin Barrell (916-392-3477) from Sacramento’s Lincoln Law School; Aaron Flores (949-244-0851) and Anand Pradhan (310-210-6788) from Trinity Law School; Makram Gharib (626-584-0673) and Leticia Sanchez (925-978-2979) from Los Angeles’ Lincoln Law School; Tony Tyre (626-285-7033) from Southwestern Law School; Greg Gallo (650-269-5142) from USF Law School; Deborah Burdett (818-212-0629) from PCU Law School; Patty Pizarro (714-905-4533) and Emily Lippincott (408-835-4397); and Chaune Williams (510-938-5753) – chosen by the Committee of Examiners to be a bar grader.

Onward and upward!